Leadership Meeting at a Table Line Art

Win Results with
Every Word

Better Communication. Better Business.

Reinforce The Lines of Verbal Communication

Group of employees standing together line art

All your employees can be confident, captivating, and compelling communicators that drive organizational excellence.

Start expanding your bottom line, hosting more impactful meetings, and earning buy-in through clear communication.

Arrow line art pointing upwards signifying improved communication
Hands shaking line art signifying effective communication

Our immersive training creates immediate and sustained behavior changes in a world where channels and technology are constantly shifting.

The Bergerac Group’s timeless approach marries neuroscience, psychology, and the performing arts to empower employees at every level to speak up, stand out, and succeed.

employee caught in crossed wires, holding head in confusion from poor communication line art

Company Caught Up in Crossed Wires?

  • Is your team stuck in a cycle of unproductive and uninspiring meetings?

  • Are your employees struggling to convey the importance of your message to stakeholders and failing to generate the desired support? 

  • Does decision-making seem to drag on longer than necessary?

Speak Up and Stand Out with Timeless Methodologies

At The Bergerac Group, we firmly believe that anyone can become a powerful communicator. It's not about an innate gift or talent; it's about equipping yourself with the right tools, techniques, and mindset. 

Our proven approach has transformed the lives of countless professionals, from beginners seeking to build their confidence to seasoned leaders aiming to take their communication skills to new heights.

We will equip your employees with the confidence and techniques they need to command any room, be it a virtual meeting room, a conference room, a boardroom, or the dinner table. 

Inside Every Speaker is a Powerful Communicator

The Bergerac Group offers immersive trainings that suit every speaker.


Our flagship workshop has been helping employees become compelling communicators for nearly 40 years.

Our Suite of Talks Also Includes:


Reshape the way Leaders message, motivate, and deliver results.


Teach your Trainers learning that sticks and inspires.


Translate the IT Crowd’s complex ideas into crystal-clear actions.

Purposeful, authentic, intentionally crafted communication can change the world. And that’s exactly what we’re doing—one Talk at a time. For nearly 40 years, our methodology has driven exceptional results for organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to Fortune 50 companies.

Companies we have impacted

Director of Operations

“After PowerTalk, my confidence in influencing/persuading has increased. My ability to self-reflect in the moment and read a room has also increased, allowing me to alter my approach mid-swing based on non-spoken cues from the audience. After a year of facing resistance, we recently were able to bring a new client on board to one of our initiatives and I am confident the skills taught through PowerTalk are a key reason for this outcome.”

Chief Philanthropy Officer

I've been public speaking for 30+ years and learned more in two days than in the last three decades.

VP of Learning

One could spend countless hours researching companies who teach how to present. Alternatively, you could save all that time and money and solve what The Bergerac Group does best – inspire your audience to forget anything else but the topic being delivered by building a compelling narrative and landing the point of what you want to say – even without slides on a screen or notes in your hand.”

Sr Director of Learning and Development

“WOW! Amazing feedback again. I ran into a couple of our employees yesterday who had just completed PowerTalk and they said it was the BEST experience. One even presented in a meeting I was in. I’ve never seen her that confident in front of a large group, including our CEO being in the room!”

Our Story is about Passion

At The Bergerac Group, our story begins with Niki Flacks, our visionary founder. Niki made extraordinary connections between acting, psychology, and neuroscience. Over its three generations of ownership, our organization has remained fueled by Niki’s passion for effective communication and all the doors it can open. 

row of employees at a public speaking workshop line art

Let’s Talk

  • Uncover Your Challenges

    One-size training does not fit all. Our team will meet with you to discuss your organization's state, your workforce's personalities, your communication needs, and everything in between.

  • Immerse Your Team

    We go to great lengths to ensure your immersive training explores the specific challenges your organization faces and skills your team needs to master, regardless of their ability or comfort levels when communicating.

  • Captivate Any Audience

    Your employees will demonstrate immediate, sustained behavior changes and improvements post-workshop. You’ll soon witness deepened customer relationships, enhanced leadership capabilities, and buy-in with stakeholders.

What are the Consequences of a Lack of Clarity?

  • Your organization will miss out on investment dollars when presenting to potential investors, losing the opportunity to pursue future opportunities and initiatives.

  • If your leaders can't command the room or communicate clearly, they can't inspire their people and progress is slow-going or delayed.

  • Complex solutions presented by lackluster communicators will likely be disregarded or misunderstood.

Success is One Workshop Away

effective communication in action during a presentation line art

Everyone Can Become
a Powerful Speaker

Are you a smaller company looking to transform a handful of employees? Are you an individual seeking professional communication development? Or do you simply want to try us out before bringing Bergerac to your organization?

Open PowerTalk is for you.

Whether you’re a reserved speaker seeking confidence, a confident speaker needing competence, or a competent speaker looking to become excellent, The Bergerac Group is for you.

Join one of our Open PowerTalk Workshops, the original immersive training experience that transforms you into an effective communicator that lasts the rest of your life.

effective communication courses communication skills development communication skills workshop leadership communication training professional speaking training improving interpersonal skills executive speaking coach best public speaking classes best public speaking training effective communication class leadership and communication training leadership communication skills training learning effective communication learning effective communication skills communication training for employees effective communication training public speaking workshop public speaking training workshop business communication training